Thursday, July 29, 2010

So apparently the soon to be ex-roomies don't understand who they are messing with

Long title, I know, but seriously, they don't know who they are messing with. Danielle Bilyeu aka Rosie, Ricky Lee aka Kitty, and Nate Fisher decided that they wanted to be idiots and kick us out for nothing. Nate called the cops a few days ago saying that me and my fiancee threaten them even though him and I have been in our room the whole time. He also claimed we do nothing even though we cook, clean, buy food, and buy things they need for the house. All they do all day is play games, have online sex, and spend money on toys even though they are adults, not children.

Lately, my fiancee and I have not eaten anything for several days, mostly because they won't let us eat and because we know that if we leave the room, they will try to make up a lie and call the cops on us. Everything in the frig apparently belong to them even though my fiancee and I bought some of it. The only time we leave our room is to get water from the tap and to use the bathroom...especially for me since thanks to their neglect, I got a bladder infection...again.

Since no one can help or will help, the only place to go to is my mother, sadly, she will only help me while my fiancee rots on the streets. I told her if she forces him out, I will leave with him. She hasn't said anything yet...probably avoiding me like she has been lately.

I know this is probably a very pointless blog, but maybe think of this a warning to not trust those people and I got to vent out somehow. But it's all good, karma will hit them very very hard.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Human Centipede

Yea, I saw it and honestly, despite it's gross ideas and visuals, overall, it was a fresh and interesting idea. The movie got a lot of bad reviews because apparently all the critics are idiots who haven't seen as many movies as I have. Of course, this movie was destined to be a cult film at the start, but it's sad that not many people see the movie's uniqueness like I do.

There's horrors with ghosts, psycho slashers, zombies, urban legends, but there hasn't been one or at least so many with this theme.

For those who haven't seen it, basically, there's this doctor, whether he was an actual doctor and got fired is really of your imagination. Anyway, this Christopher Walkin look-alike puts a rufie in these possibly slutty girls' drinks. When they wake up, they find themselves strapped in these beds. One girl escapes, runs around cause the house is a maze, and she's also bleeding cause she neglected to take out the IV, so it got ripped out. But eventually she gets tranquilized and the doctor begins his experiment. He combines three humans in a mouth to anus fashion so that there's one digestive tract. After several days, the human centipede awakes. The lead of the freak show is a japanese man who knows zero english. Since the two girls can't speak since their mouths are sewn to an exit hole, they are only heard through muffled cries.

Just like with the first Saw movie, everything is more of a WTF factor than telling you back stories to everything. If you want to read the full summary, go to wikipedia.

But yes, this movie was very disgusting but it was refreshing to watch something that wasn't so cliche. I actually do look forward to the sequel which is suppose to make this movie look like a child's bedtime story.

Anyway, ignore all the critics, I've watched amazing movies that were rated poorly by critics and watched horrible movies that were given high ratings. I say at least watch this movie once. Not everything in this world is covered with Disney sugar and it is possible that weird science like this movie happens in places where no one can find out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The cutest anime short

I started watching Chi's Sweet Home today. It's basically about this kitten who gets lost and adopted by this family who can't have a cay because of their apartment's landlord's rules. Since no one wants him, they decide to keep him. Each episode is under 3min and you can find them subtitled in english on

If you've ever been around a cat, you'd die laughing over this cute little kitten.

Here's episode 15

Whoo, post number one

So this is my first post. I will pretty much just BS on here, post random things or rant about stuff in real life over here.

Anyway, I am the one and only Lilium. I call myself a bunny because well one, I'm a furry and that's my fursona, and two, because I can.

So today, my fiancee and I finally went grocery shopping. Our ride was a little late but at least we finally got food after several weeks of not eating much. After we had dinner, we rearranged the bedroom again.

Yea, this was a fail of a first blog entry, but whatever.

Here's my theme song xD The song is called "World is Mine"